Made Piece by Piece….

Made Piece by Piece….

We ALL have to start somewhere. Everything begins with a piece.  I don’t know about you, but there are many days which I feel all over the place – as if my life is an unorganized mess. That can really be overwhelming. I mean it literally feels as if my mind runs nonstop!!! Many times my mind literally jumps from one thing to another causing me to feel like I am not equipped to do anything. It is in these very moments that I need to stop, take a deep breath and slow down. Always easier said than done, but I am finding that when I take the time to be conscious of the chaos and re-center my mind, that is when I am capable of being most productive. Tackling things one at a time is the only way to truly give your all to the task at hand.

We live in a culture where we all want everything to happen immediately, especially when we are overwhelmed. But being impatient causes us to disregard the importance of the step by step process and many times is what prevents  us from finishing what we start.  Let’s think of a puzzle for example:

A puzzle consists of many different pieces which fit together to create a big picture.  Like a puzzle, we all have our own unique roles to play in life.  God created us each with a specific purpose in mind.  In a puzzle if you try to insert the wrong piece no matter how many ways you try it, it will not fit.  In life, if someone else tries to do what God created us to do, results will not be the same  – no one else will be the right fit to do what we are called to do. Read more

Talking to God in Moments of weakness

Talking to God in Moments of weakness

I woke up feeling a little bit lonely today. But God put a message in front of me that reminded me I am not alone and Holy Spirit is with me at all times.

Life can get overwhelming and sometimes thinking of losses from our pasts causes feelings of heavy sadness. Sometimes fear or anxiety towards the future sets in and we worry about what is to come.

I know that I personally have so many blessings in front of me, yet sometimes I loose sight of them because I focus on fear of the future and on unknown wonders of how everything will work out. It is in these very moments that I have to push myself to pray and cry out to the Lord.

When fear sets in we are blinded and it can be very hard to see or recognize that we are being spiritually attacked mentally. So in these moments when you feel fearful, worrisome, emotionally overwhelmed, or when your heart is heavy, call on Jesus and speak with him. Prayer is just that, speaking with God.

During the times you can’t even find the strength to speak, know that it takes just the mention of his name to break off the strongholds binding your mind and spirit. Call upon on the Lord’s name. The is power in the name of Jesus!

When we call on the Lord, the atmosphere shifts, strongholds break and joy is found in his great love. Sometimes in order to break off whatever is bound up in your thoughts, you must cry out to God.

The Bible says that we must take every thought captive and make it obedient to Christ.

”casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;”2 Corinthians 10:5 KJV

There is freedom when you do this. So, let us all be reminded today to trust in the Lord, and lay it all at his feet. Give those thoughts of fear, worry and anxiety to God and ask him to replace them with peace and comfort.

Have you heard the saying, “Joy comes in the morning?”. Well sometimes it doesn’t mean it’s coming literally the next morning, sometimes God allows us to hurt and be stretched for a season.

It can be hard to believe this but seasons of hurt and pain are not always bad. Seek to learn the purpose for why God is allowing your seasons of pain. Because when you come out on the other side of your season, you’re likely to going to see growth.

Sometimes he must allow suffering to happen to get us to our next level.

You may be thinking, I know God and even have brothers and sisters in Christ, but they aren’t showing up for me. I feel so alone. If that is you, know that even when you look around and see no one. Even when, you wonder why no one has called or looked for you. Even when you’ve reached out and sent calls or texts and found no one answering. Maybe it is that God is holding off their response back to you. You see, sometimes the Lord has to isolate you in order to reach you and for you to turn to him. He wants us to come to him first when we feel alone, heavy and weary.

I find that when my heart is most heavy, that is when God is knocking and seeking for me to listen. The Holy Spirit wants to speak, will you listen?

So when your heart feels heavy, spend time with God. Ask what he wants to reveal to you and what he wants you to see and learn from your season.

Let’s Pray:

Father God, In Jesus mighty name, we come to you today with our heavy hearts, and we lay them at your feet. We are battling loneliness. Lord, we are battling anxiety and fear Father God. For some minds are overwhelmed with fear of the future. Father God, we don’t always understand the purpose for the seasons of pain or loneliness or why you have us in them. But father God today we come to you, in Faith asking that you comfort us. Holy Spirit, we invite you in and ask you to fill our spirits. Father God, if the breaking is coming from you, if the longing is coming from you, we ask for you to reveal to us what it is, you want us to know and learn. Father some of us don’t know you, I ask that you would gently penetrate the hearts of those who have no relationship with your spirit. Holy Spirit light of fire in their soul, with a burning hunger and their that would bring them to call upon you. Comfort your people and do the work that only you can do. Cleanse their hearts and minds Oh Lord and bring restoration and uplifting in such a way that they will know that it was you. Father God, heal in such a way that you be glorified. I declare and decree that deliverance and freedom will be found at your feet today Oh God. Transform hearts and minds for your glory. May they continue to pray and seek your face during the tomes when fear, loneliness, and anxiety try to return. Father God, we know that you have a plan and a purpose for all lives, so I pray right now, in Jesus name that your word will be done throughout the world in such a way that would bring your people to your feet to bring you alone all glory. Plant seeds of faith oh God within your people. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.

Growing with you, Sandy

Forget the Former

Forget the Former

We all have past memories and live with regrets.

Our hearts have experienced loss or bondage from trauma which keeps us stuck. Some minds may be consumed with memories they can’t get past. Some focus on the loss, the betrayal, and the deep hurts.

If your mind is living stuck on things that have happened in the past, know that isn’t what God wants for you.

We must forget the former and shift the focus to at all that God is going to do in the future!

We must feel the pain for a season, but then we must pick ourselves up and push forward. If there is breath in our lungs, then God still has purpose for us.

Losing or failing doesn’t mean our life ends. If we chose to remain stuck in the past, we will miss out on the good things God has yet to do in the future.

My friends, I know it hurts because I’ve been there and had to let go and give it to God. I had to accept I will never understand why some situations and circumstances occurred or why individuals I tried to help or pour into chose to wrong me.

We all want answers and explanations for closure.


What if we were not meant to understand? What if God is just calling us to accept and to trust him?

If you are experiencing feeling stuck in your past, pray and ask God for strength to shift your focus. Ask him to help you turn and look to the new things which lie ahead, to the future.

Isaiah 46:18 tells us to forget the past and look to the future plans he will create for us.

Now depending on the version of the Bible you have or look at, he tells us this in different ways; but the main point all Bible versions share is “forget” what has happened previously [because it is done and out of our control] and look to what He will make happen.

When we keep our minds stuck in the past, we likely will miss what he is planning to do.

Today, can we dig deep to find the strength to anticipate the goodness that is yet to come from God? Forget what was, forget what hurts, and focus so that you may see what is coming!!

Isaiah 43:18 Versions:

Isaiah 43:18 NLT- But forget all that— it is nothing compared to what I am going to do.
Isaiah 43:18 CEV- Forget what happened long ago! Don't think about the past.
Isaiah 43:18 NKJV- Do not remember the former things, Nor consider the things of old.
Isaiah 43:18 NIV - Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past

The Prophet Isaiah here is speaking to the people telling them not to remain focused on their captivity. He is telling them that something new, something better is to come. God is calling us to look to him and to stop focusing on our circumstances. We are not to remain paralyzed looking back at our failures and shortcomings, that’s slavery, but instead we are to focus on the freedom we will have in Christ.

With eyes focused behind us we will not see what lies ahead. The focus must now be on the hope for a new future.

God has blessings to come. Now is the time to trust him!!

Pray with me:

♥️ Heavenly Father,

We are all carrying some kind of regret or turmoil deep within our hearts. Some of us mentally stay in the past and take comfort in pain because they don’t know how to let go and stop living in their past.

Some of us are battling feelings of betrayal and abandonment from people we expected to stand by us. Some of us feel defeated because our plans and dreams haven’t worked out successfully. And some of us just feel stuck and without hope that the pain can ever end.

Father, hearts are in need of your healing so Father, we call you today, to strengthen us and shift our minds onto the hope of the future to come. Holy Spirit, we call on you today to comfort us as we let go and let you heal the wounds we have allowed to take root. Lord Jesus, uproot the old and renew our minds and heal our hearts, so that we may keep our minds and hearts stayed on you and focus on your promises.

When we follow you, Lord, the best is yet to come. So remind us that you have a future for us. Remind us that healing will not be found when we live in the past. Holy Spirit, heal our deep wounds so that we can move forward, seeking after the purpose you still have us here for. Remind us oh God, that joy comes in the morning and tomorrow is a new dawn. Reveal to us all, the blessings that our pain blinds us from.

Father God, rise up your people to walk in their God ordained purposes and assignments! There is joy left to feel and work yet to be done. In Jesus name, help us to look forward to what you are going to do and may we be willing vessels knowing that you will restore and bring a hope that is brand new! In Jesus name we pray, Amen 🙏

Growing with you, Sandy

Find comfort in The Lord’s presence this Christmas

Find comfort in The Lord’s presence this Christmas

Merry Christmas friends and family!

This season is not the easiest for me this year after the passing of my Dad, just less than 5 week’s ago. I spent months this year watching his health decline as he grew sicker and slowly disappeared. But, I want to take the time to stop and remember that Jesus is the reason we celebrate. Because he left Heaven to be with us, so that he could give us a way to join him there one day.

So today, I spend time with my family and I thank the Lord coming to give us hope. It may hurt now, but I know joy always comes in the morning so for that I give him all praise, honor and glory.

If you’re like me and experiencing loss, pain, sadness or suffering of any kind this holiday season, I pray that you will call out to the Lord for peace & comfort. And I pray that you too will hold tight to the truth that “Their Will Be Joy in the Morning!” Jesus came for the broken. You can trust him with whatever you’re struggling or battling with. May you find comfort & healing in the Lord’s presence this Christmas 🙏

Growing with you,


”For unto us a Child is born, Unto us a Son is given; And the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.“

Isaiah‬ ‭9‬:‭6‬ ‭NKJV‬‬
He will Never Leave You

He will Never Leave You

Your heart is heavy
Your spirit feels weak
But there is purpose in this breaking!
ALL that is holding you back from your God created purpose MUST GO!
You were created for greatness!!
You ARE Chosen!
Cry out to the Savior
Give him the heavy load
Admit you can’t do it alone!
You were created to follow the Lord
Submit to his will
Let him lead the way!
He will never forsake you.
Let him carry you
He will heal your heart
Know that he is right by your side.
Surrender and find comfort in his love!
You are not alone!!

Father God,

Right now, in this moment, I lift up all who are carrying heavy hearts. Those who don’t know what will happen in the next moment, those who feel as though they can’t take another step. Lord, remind them you are with them. May they feel your presence so powerfully that they are still in this moment oh God, knowing it is YOU by their side. Comfort them in their time of need. Shower them with your love. Break off all that is hindering them from their purpose. Renew their hearts and minds. Show them your way Father. Holy Spirit move in, and comfort their hearts and minds. As they cry out to you, Lord Jesus, break chains hold them. Mighty father break off all spirits of heaviness, depression, lost identity, unworthiness, hopelessness, addiction and all spirits that are keeping them from walking with you Lord. Call their hearts to your feet Jesus. Show them who they are in Christ. Lead your children Oh God and call them back to you. Draw their hearts into full surrender to receive your great Love & Holy Spirit comfort.

In Jesus Mighty name I pray,

Growing with you,

Sandy ❤️

Pray for the One Who Shows Hate

Pray for the One Who Shows Hate

Pray for the one who shows you hate you.

Pray for the one who insults you.

Pray for the one who criticizes you.

Pray for the one who speaks word curses over you.

Pray for their deliverance.

Pray for their repentance.

Pray for their freedom.

For they are bound by the lies of the enemy.

Show love when they show hate.

Bless them when they curse you.

Jesus sacrificed himself on the cross for them just as much as he did for you.

The first thing Jesus said upon the cross he said, “Forgive them father for they know not what they do”(Luke 23:34).

They are not evil, they are ignorant.

Pray that blindness be broken off.

Pray that their eyes may see.

Pray for their salvation.

Pray for their full surrender.

When someone is causing you pain and showing hatred, praying for them is one of the hardest things to do.

It is not easy, but it is possible!!

Cry out to the Lord and ask him to heal your pain, ask him to strengthen you to intercede on their behalf. They don’t know better, but you do. Do what is righteous. Show love in all circumstances & if and when you can’t, just say Jesus. He will cover you and them 🙏❤️

𝐁𝐮𝐭 𝐈 𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝐲𝐨𝐮, 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐞𝐬, 𝐛𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐞 𝐰𝐡𝐨 𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮, 𝐝𝐨 𝐠𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐞 𝐰𝐡𝐨 𝐡𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐩𝐫𝐚𝐲 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐞 𝐰𝐡𝐨 𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞𝐜𝐮𝐭𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮. – 𝐌𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐰 𝟓:𝟒𝟒

Growing with you,


Lead Me to the Feet of Jesus

Lead Me to the Feet of Jesus

God put a word on my heart for someone last night and I believe many are hurting and in need of this word.

“𝘞𝘢𝘪𝘵 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘸𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘥 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘵𝘰 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘧𝘦𝘦𝘵 𝘰𝘧 𝘑𝘦𝘴𝘶𝘴.”

Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness?

2 Corinthians 6:14

When we enter into relationship with someone who does not share our same values or calling, we become unequally yoked.

No peace can be found in this type of relationship. You will hurt one another. As one pulls in one direction, the other will pulls in the opposite direction. You’ll each be left feeling alone and frustrated.

Some of my ladies need to hear this, we cannot change a man, only God can! I had to learn this & when I finally did, the peace of the Lord fell upon me, and washed away all of my pain.


Getting involved in a relationship with someone who did not share my same religious views, or values pulled me away from God. It didn’t happen immediately, and I didn’t actually realize it was happening, until I felt so unworthy to even step foot back into my church.

Conflict and anger slowly became a daily part of daily life. Deep within I wanted this person to be the man I needed him to be: a man who pointed me to Christ, but he did not and he could not. Because when it came down to core values, there was division.

If your faith is important to you, wait for the one who will lead you to the feet of Jesus.

✝️Wait for the one who will pray with you and for you.

✝️Wait for the one who will go to battle for you in the spirit.

✝️Wait for the one who will love you the way Christ loves the church.

✝️Wait for the one who will do the kingdom work with you.

Do not settle, and if you have settled know you don’t have to stay there. Hold your head up high, repent and begin your walk with God again. Walk in confidence knowing that he created you for a partner who will grow beside you and cover you spiritually as you both mature in faith.

Doing it my way failed me, and it will fail you too. Eventually the high will fade and you’ll find yourself in a low place living in torment inside of your mind. My hope that my Love for God would be contagious and spill over into my partner, left me broken in the end.

I know that am not the only one to experience this or walk through this valley. Glory to God that there is no condemnation in Christ Jesus. And Glory to God that he is a God of restoration. Wait on the Lord!

There is joy in the waiting when you fall in love with Jesus ❤️🙏🙌

Pray with me:

Heavenly father, I lift up anyone who is hurting tonight, and being tormented by fear, division, mental or physical abuse or guilt and shame. Remind your children that you created each of us with a divine purpose. Help us to seek relationships that are divine appointments in line with your perfect will for our lives. Father God, today we come before you, and we repent of our sins. We ask you to forgive us for all the times we took our life into our own hands. Our lives are not our own. Everything we go through has purpose and is for your glory. Father God, strengthen anyone who is not in the place you have called them to, and give them the courage to move. May they open their hearts to you in full surrender. Father God, remove from all of us anything that is not from you or of you. Our hearts desire is to grow close to you and to walk in your purpose. May your will be done in our lives and through our lives. Father, may anyone who comes in contact with this word, surrender their heart, and fall at your feet. Lead us Lord, and show us what true love is. In Jesus mighty name we pray, Amen.

#madepiecebypiece #unequallyyoked #transparency #testimony #faith #restoration #ToGodbetheGlory #apieceofmystory #encouragement #joycomesinthemoring #healing #love #savior #Jesus

Don’t be afraid, Just Believe!

Don’t be afraid, Just Believe!

What are you believing in God for today?

Stand on his promise and strengthen your faith so that fear is crushed and your only option is to believe!!

Don’t let fear creep in. Remember God has not given you a spirit of fear. Have desperate faith for God to deliver. Want it so badly that you have no other choice but to believe and activate the power of your faith!

Seek the Lord with all of your heart and open your eyes to see that when he comes through and delivers, it may not be in the way you were expecting or crying out for. But, it will be the Lord’s will and at the Lord’s direction. And it will be perfect and powerful!

In Mark 5:35-43,

Jairus had to have strong faith to ask Jesus to save his daughter’s life. As a synagogue leader, he heard of Jesus and the miracles Jesus was performing and he was desperate for a miracle to save his daughter. Jairus believed with all his heart that Jesus could save her. He had strong faith in Jesus’s ability to do what he needed him to do.

But as they walked to Jairus’s home, someone came and told them that Jairus’s daughter had already died, but Jesus told Jairus to fear not and just believe!! And Jesus went into the home, into the room by her beside and he raised her from death! After doing so, he told them not to report what happened there to anyone, and to feed her.

After reading this I wondered why he told them to feed her. We know that food nourishes and restores, and when someone is near death and gets revived they need nourishment to be strengthened. So perhaps, this is also a reminder that when someone we love goes through something that nearly takes them out, we must remember to feed them (physically and spiritually) in order to help fully restore them.

The very same goes for ourselves, when we overcome that which the enemy sent to take us out, we must remember to feed ourselves afterwards. We must take care of our spiritual health by getting into the word of God, and also eat healthier so that our physical body can heal, and be strengthened to live and not die.

From this story, we can see the power that Jesus has and we are shown what powerful faith can do when you believe wholeheartedly. To believe wholeheartedly is to believe without any doubt that The Lord is able to heal or revive the person, thing, or situation we need him to. We must believe he can do it and he will do it.

Jesus told them not to discuss what happened with anyone. Why do you think this is? Some think it was to not bring attention to Jesus. Jesus didn’t want his ministry interfered with, but of course it got out because miracles are hard to hide. Imagine being in that position, you would probably want to shout it out to the entire world, and tell everyone you know what he did for your child, wouldn’t you?

Perhaps it wasn’t her parents who shared the news, maybe it was someone else who was in the house? Either way, Jesus, raising Jarius’s daughter from the dead symbolized Jesus’s mighty power! He showed the power of God The Father that was within him. He showed them who he was!!

Can you imagine if Jarius had allowed fear to set in and not have asked Jesus to heal his daughter? Fear could have blocked him from his greatest blessing.

What fear are you battling with today? What fear is holding you back from strong faith? Strong faith, through which you go call on Father God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit and cry out to them for breakthrough. Ask The Lord to strengthen your faith so that fear never causes you to miss the miracle.

Cast down fear before it takes root. And if already rooted, uproot and dismantle that fear in Jesus name. Trust the Lord and watch his mighty power move! Know he is able!!

Pray with me:

Father God, we thank you for your healing power that works through our Savior Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. We thank you, that you are a God of miracles, and that you answer prayers. Lord Jesus, I lift up anyone who is hurting today or in need of healing for themselves or a family member. I ask that you grow within them, supernatural faith, faith, so strong that there is not an ounce of doubt within their mind or heart. May they believe wholeheartedly in your ability to heal and deliver and bring their petitions before you. Hallelujah!!! I praise you Jesus because I know that you are able and willing. Hallelujah, I praise you Lord and give you all glory and honor for what you are about to do. I ask Lord, that you would strengthen your people, and that you would break the chains that are holding them down, bound to fear. In Jesus mighty name, Amen.

Growing with you,


#madepiecebypiece #dontfear #justbelieve #faith #hunger #hecanAndhewill #hisways #healing #blessing #beawakened #trust #Power